Fighting for you now.

Protecting others in the future.

Medical and Hospital Malpractice:

You trusted the doctors and hospitals. That is why no other injury or death is more devastating than those caused by healthcare providers. When your trust is violated and you or someone you love suffers paralysis, brain injury, amputation or death of a member of your family, you are devastated and confused.

You want answers, but no one wants to talk to you and tell you what happened. They tell you a story that just does not make sense. They tell you how sorry they are but you want to know the truth. You have a lot of questions.

  • 1. Why? Why was my child born with a brain injury? Why didn't you treat the condition early enough? Why didn't you run the right test? Why did you miss the diagnosis? Why didn't you listen to me?
  • 2. How? How could this have been prevented? How are you going to make sure that this never happens to another family?
  • 3. What do I do now? Who is going to provide all of the care and treatment that will be required for the rest of my life or my child's life? How am I ever going to pay all these bills? Who will restore my life?

Medical and hospital malpractice cases are the most difficult personal injury and wrongful death cases a lawyer will ever handle. Many lawyers who take these cases do not have the experience or expertise to take on doctors, hospitals and their seasoned defense lawyers. We have the experience, knowledge and expertise needed to get the answers and justice you deserve.

If you have been injured or lost a loved one to a doctor or hospital, you need Expert Representation and Consoling Restoration.

The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.